Senin, 04 Juli 2011

The Google Chromebook

The Google Chromebook


First of all lets talk a little bit about what really is a google chromebook is and the 
core features:

A Chromebook is a mobile device running Google Chrome OS. The devices comprise a distinct 
class of personal computer falling between a pure cloud client and conventional laptop.

It boots up in less than 10 seconds. Tired of waiting for your old laptop or desktop to 
finish starting up and powering on? Even two minutes while you wait for your PC to start can

be pretty annoying. The extra fast boot time of the chromebook means no more waiting for 

All apps and programs update automatically. No more trying to figure out which applications 
needs updating, no more trying to figure out if an update as caused another program to stop 
working. It  checks for updates and installs for all programs automatically. You 
will never see another pop up window that says "please install update blah blah blah"


8.5 hours of continuous battery life.You dont need to continuously worry about recharging or

losing battery power. 8.5 hours is alot of battery life. The battery holds 80% of its 
original charge for up to 1000 charges. That is about 3 times longer than a regular laptop 
battery, wow.

The google Chromebook is built for checking out videos on youtube,hitting up facebook, 
surfing the web, checking out pics, sending emails, playing cool online games.It is NOT 
built for the serious gamer.



all in all The google chromebook is a good deal to have if you spent most of your time on 
web as google says "Nothing but the Web."

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