Senin, 12 September 2011

Kogan Agora 7" Tablet PC with Capacitive Touchscreen - Powered by Android

Kogan Agora 7" Tablet PC with Capacitive Touchscreen - Powered by Android Tube. Duration : 0.62 Mins. Best Prices Kogan Agora 7" Tablet PC with Capacitive Touchscreen - Powered by Android A year ago I bought an X5A Android 2.1 tablet and was disappointed - this tablet is everything I had hoped the X5A was going to be, and more. With Android 2.3 you get the whole flash experience, all the BBC embedded videos work, including full screen, etc. It has a capacitive touch which, combined with the 1Ghz processor, gives a smooth and enjoyable experience. Full Android market place, skype (tested voice, but not video calls - but it did detect the camera), street view, Facebook, Google maps etc all fly. The X5A as only 256Mb RAM, so keeps crashing but this tablet, with 512Mb, had no such problems. It also has noticeably better WiFi reception than the X5A - getting at least 2 bars all over my house. Battery life seems pretty good - it used about 60% in 2 hrs of heavy use. One slight niggle - the touch screen does not quite reach the long edges of the video screen by about 2 to 3mm, so (length-wise) you can't touch right to the very edge of the video screen. This mostly isn't an issue, especially when you know about it, but can make pressing the letter "P" a pain! The screen is 800x480 - which is the same resolution as most in-car video screens, hence they are made in volume and so are cheap - but by today's standards this is quite a low resolution and it is noticeable, but its totally fine for the job. The contrast (which can't be adjusted) is also a little ...

Keywords: Computers, laptops, netbooks, ipad, tablets, tablet PC, laptop computer, touchscreen, Tablet pcs, Acer, Toshiba, HP, Samsung, Macbook, Dell, Sony, natpc n009, asus eeepad2, a1cs x220, x220, apple ipad, tabtech, tabtech m010s, touchpad, cambridge services, archos, galaxy, natpc, htc

Tags : Graphic Tablet Store

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