Kamis, 10 November 2011

Twitter Changes its User Interface, Looks Better

This Morning when i opened my Twitter Account(@techniciablog) I was shocked to

too see that twitter has made some changes to its user interface which looks

better than previous one.


Let us understand these changes.twitter has introduced new tab called activity

in which you can see your Friends activity.The activity tab includes Favorites,

follows, retweets, and more by people you follow.Many of us thinks that the

Retweet tab is replaced by activity tab which is wrong in the sense that you can

now view your tweets that were retweeted and more in @username tab.


@username tab includes your mentions, tweets that were retweeted and who have

listed you recently.


Let us know what you think about these changes in comment section below and did

we announce that we are now do follow blog.

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