Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Microsoft Plans To Announce Windows Based Tablet

Hold the presses and don't print anyone till October 11th. Microsoft may yet have some newsworthy data on an event that has been planned on the said date. Even though the main field of the event is going to be the initiate of the Windows phone 7 (the successor to the windows mobile), there has also been a salutary whole of venture going colse to to recommend that might be quite an additional one surprise brewing and it is believed Microsoft is about to announce a Windows based tablet!

tablet Pcs has been one of the Microsoft networks most shortcomings and one that has been a field of great criticism. Having already come through in the movable and portable media players market relatively successful with their Windows movable operating systems and Zune respectively it had been anticipated that they would also speedily find a way to match up to Apple's widely successful iPad but there has yet been any response so far.

Android Tablet 7

But the scheduled event might just set in spin the wheel that will deliver to the world their first windows based tablets. It would be quite an opportune moment for such an declaration with the technological world being in a kind of simmering state as it awaits the next big thing. an additional one reason why the commerce would be so eagerly awaiting such news is due to the failure of the current windows based tablets to match up to the apples iPad which has just proven too good selling roughly 4.5 million units every quarter.

Why it is widely believed that a windows base tablet produced by Microsoft is much more likely to fair great is the fact that the billion dollar corporation is not likely to be short on the technological know how to pull off what could well cast the I-pad level into oblivion and a tablet that has also been produced by Microsoft based on their own operating law is more likely to provide passage to technological and software hold which will be quite considerable for users just beginning to use tablet Pcs or any other someone who may need help.

All in all, there is microscopic else enthusiasts can do except wait for the big day to come colse to and hope and hope and then hope some more that when Microsoft's Ceo, Steve Ballmer, takes the stage on Monday he'll be having a tablet full of surprises private somewhere close by.

Microsoft Plans To Announce Windows Based Tablet

Related : Graphic Tablet Store

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